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Water Flosser Sets

Wel Club members receive a lifetime warranty with their purchase of our Welflos water flossers and also receive 15% discount on all of their orders. Our innovative Weltip Infuser tip was created in 2014 and our utility patent was approved in 2017.

Welflos M Water Flosser with Infuser Tip
from $ 89.95
Welflos M Complete
from $ 99.95
Welflos T Cordless Water Flosser
$ 69.95
Weltab Pro X Water Flosser Tablets
from $ 6.95
Weltab Repair Water Flosser Tablets
from $ 8.95
Welmints Enamel Repair with Nanohydroxyapatite
from $ 8.99
Smile Pack, 3 Weltabs, 1 Spry Toothpaste, 1 Welbrush Toothbrush, 3 Welfresh Tablets
$ 29.95
Welfresh Water Flosser Tip Cleaner
$ 7.99
Weltab Eco Water Flosser Tablets
$ 6.95
Saliva pH Testing Strips
$ 9.95
Welflos M Replacement Water Flosser Handle
$ 10.95
Weltip Replacement O-ring and Removal Tool
from $ 0.99
Welflos M Replacement Base
$ 24.95
Weldental Water Flosser Tips - Compatible Waterpik Replacement Tips
$ 4.99 $ 10.95
All Xylitol has the exact same molecular structure. A molecule of Xylitol derived from corn is identical to a molecule derived from birch.

Welflos is a Periodontitis care at home. It restores the proper pH to your saliva.

The Welflos M Complete is the best water flosser if you need an effective Periodontal treatment at home