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The ugly truth of what lives in your mouth.

Streptococcus Mutans bacteria

The most common reasons for dental visits are gum disease, tooth extractions and preventative cleanings. They are often related to plaque build-up. Many people think that plaque is a by-product of food left behind after brushing. We now know today it is, in fact, the excretion from the harmful bacteria that lives in our mouth. The areas in between our teeth and gum pockets make for a safe haven for these bacteria to multiply. Left unaddressed it can result in gum recession, bone loss and eventually tooth loss.

You will never win your abrasive battle with plaque

The method of dealing with plaque build-up has been with an abrasive toothpaste. This is a battle you will never win. The harmful bacteria wins every time, creating more plaque every day for your dental hygienist to scrap away. It is in between your cleanings the damage is done.

Xylitol is the perfect solution

Fortunately, there is a simple and safe solution to this dilemma, Xylitol. Harmful bacteria love Xylitol! They absorb it quickly. This creates a problem for this little creature. It can't metabolize Xylitol to use it as nutrition so it starves.

Your gum pockets are a bacterial frat house. For the Xylitol to be the most effective it must get to all of the hard to reach areas. Our Weltip Infuser Tip delivers our unique solution throughout your mouth. Within a few days, the urge to scrub and over brush will disappear. You will notice a dramatic difference in how clean and smooth (plaque-free) your mouth feels.