Good andBad Bacteria
Did you know that your mouth has both good and bad bacteria? The good bacteria help produce saliva to keep your gums, bone, and teeth healthy. Excessive plaque bacteria create acidic saliva. Acidity leads to gum disease and tooth loss.
Stop killing good bacteria
Healthy gums
We're sure you have seen ads for mouthwash claiming to treat Gingivitis by killing 99% of bacteria. It kills primarily good bacteria. Our products don't kill bacteria. They starve the harmful bacteria and nourish the good bacteria. Starve the bad. Feed the good. Your mouth will return to a normal, healthy, neutral to a slightly alkaline state.
It is very common for people to have Gingivitis. Gingivitis is a warning sign that Periodontal Disease is in your future.
Beginning stages of Periodontal Disease
If you do not treat this condition, you will not only experience gum loss but also bone loss. Mouthwash, string floss, and toothpaste will not halt mid to late-stage Periodontal Disease.
We have Weltips that are compatible with most Waterpik water flossers.