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Be Gentle For A Healthy Mouth

gentle whitening toothpaste tablets

You mean well, but if you are brushing with too much force, you are damaging the enamel of your teeth. Choose a quality toothbrush with bristles that do not splay out while brushing. A good toothbrush should last three months.

Electric toothbrushes increase the abrasiveness of toothpaste. We do not recommend them.

Always brush in a circular motion, never horizontally. A toothbrush should brush your teeth with the tips, not the sides of the bristles.

How do I know if my toothpaste is abrasive?

Toothpaste has an RDA value which indicates its abrasiveness. An RDA value of 100 or less indicates a toothpaste that will not damage your enamel. Toothpaste with tarter control or whiteners has high RDA values.

People who have gum disease are prone to damage by abrasion. Their dentin may be exposed below their gum line. Dentin is much softer than enamel.

Chewtab Gentle Whitening is an excellent choice for low abrasion toothpaste. Chew the tablet for 5-10 seconds, then brush with a damp toothbrush. As you brush, it will foam up.

Your morning ritual may be adding to your enamel loss.

The acidity of your coffee, energy drinks, and some fruit juices can also damage your enamel. Drinking a glass of water and swishing your mouth with water before brushing will help avoid damage.

We want your teeth to last your lifetime. They will if you care for them.