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Are You Brushing Your Teeth Out Of Your Life?

Brush Gently

Many people are aggressively brushing their teeth. They are also using abrasive toothpaste. Whitening toothpaste uses abrasion to make your teeth whiter by stripping enamel. Excess abrasion can cause severe long-term damage to your tooth enamel and your gums. Charcoal toothpaste is more abrasive due to the sharp edges of the particles.

Electric Toothbrush + Whitening Toothpaste

electric toothbrush abrasion

You may be taking better care of the finish on your car than your teeth. You hand wash it to preserve the finish, but you may have used 'sandpaper' to brush your teeth this morning.

There is a safer way to minimize plaque

water flosser on bathroom counter


The RDA abrasion rating should be required on toothpaste packaging. There has been some testing of toothpaste abrasion. Most major brands that claim to be whitening your teeth are rated at the mid or high end of the RDA scale.

Do you have sensitive teeth?

Your teeth are sensitive due to enamel loss from abrasion. Excess abrasion can also damage your gum tissue. This damage takes a while to become noticeable. Most people don't realize what they have done until it is too late.

Take a look at your toothbrush. Softer is better, and make sure you run it under hot water before using it. It not only will help remove bacteria, but it will also soften the bristles.

Weltip completely changes how we keep our teeth and gums healthy. We recommend using Weltip with our Weltab water flosser tablets twice per day. Weltabs minimize plaque and acid-producing bacteria.