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What Is Xylitol?

A Natural 5 Carbon Sweetener

Xylitol is a naturally occurring substance found in many fruits, and vegetables. It has a crystalline, granular structure like sugar. Its flavor is identical to sugar and has no unpleasant aftertaste.

It has been proven to improve oral health by minimizing harmful bacteria. Harmful bacteria excrete plaque and acid. Acidic saliva can create cavities and gum disease. It keeps the nasal passage clear of bacteria, allergens, and other contaminants.

What is Xylitol?

Xylitol is identical to sugar except it is missing one carbon molecule. Plaque Bacteria cannot metabolize Xylitol due to this missing molecule and starve. It also nourishes your beneficial bacteria as they are able to use 5 carbon sweeteners for fuel.

It also nourishes your beneficial bacteria as they are able to use 5 carbon sweeteners for fuel. Starve the bad, feed the good.

If you research how much Xylitol is needed to be effective to improve your dental health, you will find that a common recommendation is 6 to 8 grams of Xylitol per day. Weldental's system accomplishes better results with less than half that amount of Xylitol per day.

We sell 1 pound bags of bulk Xylitol that you can use as a substitute for sugar in many recipes. It has a very low glycemic index of 7. Sugar has a glycemic index of 70. People with diabetes will realize health benefits when they use this natural sweetener as a substitute for sugar.